Dreams of Slumber

The Ethereal Athenaeum
A Library for Weary Souls
Plot 58, 1st Ward, The Lavender Beds (Mateus)

The scent of flowers and ink fill the air inside the walls of the Ethereal Athenaeum. Many a tome lie in wait for curious souls to flip through their pages. All manner of visitors are welcome as all sorts of topics are to be found among the bookshelves. Even if one seeks not to crack open a book there are plenty of spaces for weary souls to take a momentary reprieve from their travels. In addition to our vast selection of tomes we offer a small selection of refreshments and basic potions. Whether it be in the pursuit of knowledge, the pursuit of relaxation, or the pursuit of company, one is likely to find what they seek inside these rustic halls.

Certain magicks permeate throughout the library.
Could the following phrases contain the means of accessing such magicks?
Ethereal Dreams

Whether it be on the subject of fairy tales, aetherology, the mundane, or even the forbidden, the Ethereal Athenaeum likely has what one might seek. Through the guidance of the staff one will be assisted in searching for what they desire. Perhaps one might even stumble across something they were not looking for, something that might spark interest within them. Hidden within the manor might even be books none have opened for eons, books simply waiting to be examined by those willing to do so.

-Miss Y'vonne Vella: The owner of the library. This Seeker is a perplexing woman driven solely by her own sense of curiosity. Her interests wax and wane depending on the mood. Regardless of how she is feeling, Y'vonne is willing to speak with all manner of visitors. What might interest her? What drives her to operate such a vast library? To what aim is she willing to provide a space for others to rest their weary soul? Perhaps through conversation one might uncover her motives.-Miss K'yano Vulpe: A talented muscian. This musically inclined Miqo'te has a bubbly baby blue personality! She is always happy to strike up a conversation with guests of the Library! Ask her about the cafe she manages. Perhaps one might seek her out in hopes of hearing her stylish tunes?-Ser Vas Vestras - A scholarly yet easy-going Sharlayan with a knack for wandering into the most dangerous of places, all for the thrill of discovery. Vas studies focus on the various fauna (animals, beasts, monsters, etc.) that call the Star home. He is eager to share knowledge with those who seek him out and will help in any ventures he can aid in.-Miss Lila Dovah - You can always find Lila likely curled up in the library reading on her off days. During days the library is open, the sweethearted Seeker offers her assistant throughout the library to anyone who needs it!-Ser Mehrdad Arda - Should one require assistance with investigating that which is occult, spooky, or otherwise mysterious seek out Mehrdad! This charming Viera is more than willing to aid those in their pursuits to tackle such endeavors! Perhaps he might even be willing to share a story of his adventures?-Miss Alexis Asta - An aspiring scholar on an adventure far from home, Alexis is a soft-spoken, starry-eyed young Sharalayan of many hats. Hailing from a long line of book-hawking witches, she was born with an innate passion for reading and learning. It was these passions that drew her to seek work at the Athenaeum. When not out and about exploring Eorzea, she may be found in the library, using her magicks to keep the place neat and tidy as she is nose deep in a book. The witch specializes in history, but is more than happy to help anyone find a book on any subject!-Miss Nonoka Akamori - A dedicated weaver and arcanist who's slowly but surely turning her practices and studies towards that of Red magic. Ever wonder who keeps the library clean and tidy? That'd be Nonoka, who cleans and scrubs the floors, dusts the shelves and does what she can to keep the Athenaeum neat and clean for visitors!-Note: Staff member availability varies based off personal schedules.

Though we are primarily a library, a small selection of refreshments is available for visitors. Our menu is hardly as expansive as those of other locations but each item is crafted with a sense of care. These items are of no cost given the simplicity of their craft. If one wishes to donate small amounts of gil in exchange for refreshments such generosity will be much appreciated. Our small selection of items are as follows:• Hot Chocolate - A simple cup of hot chocolate. Warm enough to soothe any weary soul.
• Herbal Tea - A respectable cup of tea brewed with herbs sourced from The Shroud.
• Coffee with Sugar - A soothing cup of coffee thoughtfully blended with care. A slight amount of sugar has been sprinkled in to offset the bitterness.
• Coffee Biscuits - A light but otherwise delicious snack. Be mindful not to leave crumbs while consuming one.
•Pearl & Bubble Chocolate - Regardless if one decides upon white or dark chocolate these tasty bonbons are sure fulfill the sweet tooth of anyone craving a treat. Perhaps an adventurous soul might wish to snack on both flavors of chocolate if indecision prevents them from settling upon a singular choice.

Upon entering the Ethereal Athenaeum one notice the vast wall of potions covered by creeping vines and overgrown foliage. Such a display is not merely the work of decoration. Should any visitors wish to inquire about services regarding the sale of potions they only need ask Y'vonne Vella . What is typically available for sale includes tonics with minor health benefits: ones that can bring about a jolt of energy, reduce the pain felt after a troublesome blow, or simply improve focus while studying troublesome subject matter. Her experience with brewing potions is... rather limited so those that are available are rather basic in nature. They are, however, devoid of any troublesome side effects.

Looking for another way to pass the time within our halls? Perhaps venture inside of the Spellbound Spirits located in Room #10 of our Private Chambers. Inside is a Speakeasy to relax within and listen to the musical stylings of the lovely K'yano Vulpe when she is available. Inside is also a bar where one could order drinks to take the edge off of a lengthy day. Try not to get lost within the atmosphere as it is a rather alluring one.

In need of a place of employment? Do you require a line of work devoid of the dangers that a more adventurous lifestyle might risk? Perhaps you simply have an affinity for written works and wish to find yourself lost in a sea of them?The Ethereal Athenaeum is seeking out those who might be willing to lend their assistance. Managing such a place is no small feat for its owner. As a result of such she is searching for those who might desire to help manage the library. Should one seek employment, whether temporary or otherwise, inquire with Y'vonne Vella about such opportunities.The process of applying to the library is a rather simple, relaxed one. Though one might expect a rigorous process when filing for employment such hassles are not to be suffered with this library. Should conversation go smoothly one might end up with a place of employment, a roof to sleep under, and the chance to forge connections with likeminded souls.[Employment is not limited to joining the Free Company attached to the library. While we would be happy to include your character within our ranks one might become an employee of the library without such a commitment. Details can be discussed on a case-by-case basis.]

•All manner of tomes are found within the walls of this library. Regardless of subject one is likely to find what they seek.
•As there are all manner of tomes within the halls one could come study many a subject at the library.
•Weary souls are welcomed within these halls. As a result of such there are many a location where one might be able to find some amount of rest.
•Those in-tune with their aether might feel a sense of mystery within the manor. Is there something within the library calling out to its visitors?
•Donations of tomes, regardless of their subject matter, would help grow the already expansive library. Might any travelers have a tome that they wish for this humble library to take care of?
•Despite the location primarily being a library a number of potions, elixirs, and other similar items are housed within the halls. Might any adventurers know the purpose of the various esoteric brews with reside within the estate?
•In addition to offer various esoteric brews the library also offers service in artifact recovery. Might one have a request for such a thing?
Y'vonne Vella often finds herself feeling a sense of exhaustion from operating such a vast estate. Help from outsiders might be something that she seeks. Whether temporary or long-term perhaps some likeminded souls might be willing to assist in operating the library.

[Written in neat, fanciful handwriting the following message can be found pinned to bulletin boards scattered through the realm]
Interested in our humble estate which houses a grand library? Almost all are welcomed within our halls whether it be those wanting to assist with our library, those looking to study within its halls, or even those looking for a place of residence! Join us to unravel the mysteries of the manor that houses the library! Perhaps you might unveil some hidden truth locked behind some ancient tome? Perhaps you might find yourself meeting those who can further your knowledge. Perhaps... Perhaps you might even find a comfortable place to nap within the grand estate...!
•We at Slumberous Days <<Sweet>> would love to grow our Free Company with individuals who are wishing to have a home, roleplay, find companions, or simply have somewhere where they can rest.
•Our Free Company is located on Mateus.
•For housing we offer a private mansion with open rooms waiting to be filled.
•We are an 21+ LGBTQ+ friendly Free Company. We will not tolerate discrimination.
•We have a Discord Server for keeping contact with other members of the Free Company and those who visit our venue!
•Our primary RP story is based around managing, maintaining, and operating the Ethereal Athenaeum.
•Events, those outside of the scheduled weekly venue, will be occasionally held for both members of the Free Company and its associates! Such events will be held for the sake of developing stories for anyone involved to become invested in!
•As we are an 21+ Free Company we are open to mature themes in RP.

Typically we open our doors each Saturday night around 8pm EST to host our venue!Visitors are free to wander around the estate during non-venue hours!Should one wish to join the Free Company attached to the library inquire with Y'vonne Vella for such opportunities. Check here for more detailed information!We at the Ethereal Athenaeum look forward to the journeys that lie ahead!